Thursday, January 12, 2012

Light gray color schema for VIM

I got bored with default dark desert color schema in VIM. So I decided to get some light gray color schema in Internet, but I didn't find any usable for me schema. Only "Peak Sea Color" schema was near of my wishes. And after several attempts of adopting this schema, I got the color schema which is satisfied me a lot. I made changes only for light background case. May be somebody will be interesting with this color schema. You can get this color schema from my GitHub repository - Enjoy.

To enable the scheme, you need put the peaksea.vim in your $HOME/.vim/colors/ (or %HOME%\vimfiles\colors for Windows) and put in ~/.vimrc the following:

if !has("gui_running")
    set t_Co=256
set background=light

colorschema peaksea

UPDATE: I found very useful website, where you can create custom color schema for VIM -